Construction Wetlands and Creeks

Aquarevo Estate


Aquarevo Estate



Service Used

Wetland Construction & Landscape Maintenance




Villawood Properties

This open space and wetland construction project was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Villawood Properties at the new Aquarevo Estate in Lyndhurst. It demonstrates Australian Ecosystem’s attention to detail, ecological sensitivity and expertise in the construction of stormwater treatment wetlands. The project was designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed topsoil, mulch and over 11,000m2 of jute matting. We collected seed, supplied and installed over 400 shrubs and ground cover plants, more than 300 advanced trees and over 110,000 aquatic plants for the wetland. We were also contracted to maintain the wetland complex for 2 years, in readiness to hand over the asset to Melbourne Water at the end of the maintenance period.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. The site is currently being maintained by Australian Ecosystems, with under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The site is now a thriving ecosystem and a beautiful space to visit. 

Scope of Works:

  • Site preparation
  • Supply and install of topsoil and mulch
  • Supply and install of +11,000m2 of jute mat
  • Supply and install of +400 shrubs and ground cover plants (150mm pots)
  • Supply and install of +300 semi-advanced trees (300mm pots)
    Supply and install of +70,000 tubestock, +27,000 Hiko and +11,000 600cc aquatic plants for the wetland zone
  • 2 year maintenance contract
Construction Wetlands and Creeks

Lollypop Creek


Lollypop Creek



Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance




Werribee Project Pty Ltd

Lollipop Creek Section 14 was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Werribee Project Pty Ltd at Kings Leigh Estate in Werribee. This landscape construction project is a beautiful creekline and nature corridor that provides ecological services including water treatment and habitat creation as well as mitigating urban heat island effect. It has become a community asset with local residents able to walk along the creek and enjoy the influx of nature into the new estate.

Following the design from Spiire, AE conducted significant formal landscaping works including the supply and install of concrete paving, seating, picnic tables, bollards as well as a fence for vehicle exclusion. Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed more than 250 trees which were inspected by a qualified arborist to guarantee the quality of the tree stock. Australian Ecosystems conducted seed collection for the project and supplied and installed plants for the ornamental beds, the creekzone and the bioretention pools.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect.

The site is currently being maintained by Australian Ecosystems, with under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The landscape is teaming with life, providing habitat for a variety of bird species, frogs, insects and more.

Scope of Works:

  • Supply and install of exposed aggregate concrete paving
  • Supply and install of public furniture including seating, picnic tables and platform benches
  • Supply and install of vehicle exclusion fencing
  • Supply and install of +250 trees with follow-up arboriculture assessment 
  • Edging, Grassing and Bollard installation
  • Supply and Install of +90,000 (HIKO format) tubestock plants for creekzone planting
  • Supply and install of +800 (600CC format) aquatic plants
  • Supply and install of +5000 plants (150mm pots) for ornamental garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period
Construction Maintenance Wetlands and Creeks

Upper Point Cook


Upper Point Cook


Point Cook

Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance




Satterley Property Group

The Upper Point Cook Estate Project was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Satterley Property Group at Point Cook. AE’s work on the estate comprised of two seperate projects. The first was a large parkland reserve and constructed stormwater treatment wetland, which was designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, and to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

This project also involved extensive formal landscaping works such as paving, edging, rockwork as well as the supply and installation of outdoor furniture and a playground. After the success of the first project we were contracted to construct an adjacent wetland with a similar scope of works. In total, Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed 76,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants, over 9,600 plants and trees for the surround landscape and garden bed, 3330m2 of instant kikuyu turf and an irrigation system for the gardens beds.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. We received a 2 year contract for maintenance services. The site has under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The site is now a thriving ecosystem and a beautiful public amenity for the Point Cook Community.

Scope of Works:

  • Site preparation and weed control
  • Supply and Installation of over 76,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants for the constructed wetlands
  • Supply and install of over 9,500 assorted plants and trees for the surrounding landscape and garden beds
  • Supply and install of over 3330m2 of Instant Kikuyu Turf
  • Paving, edging, rock work
  • Supply and install free standing concrete walls and basalt rock boulders
  • Supply and install of outdoor furniture and playground
  • Design, supply and install of irrigation system for all garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period
Construction Furniture, Structures & Playgrounds Wetlands and Creeks

Edgars Creek


Edgars Creek



Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance





Australian Ecosystems (AE) constructed several sections of Edgars Creek for Lendlease. The project demonstrates AE’s expertise in landscape construction and ecological services, particularly in the area of water treatment, as well as our skill and attention to detail with formal landscaping works.

Following the design from Spiire, AE conducted minor earthworks which involved grading, drainage works and rock removal where necessary. AE also supplied and installed steel fixed bollards, a vehicle exclusion fence, paving, dry stone walls, public furniture, fitness equipment as well as a pedestrian bridge.

The creekline aspect of the project involved the propagation, supply and installation of plants locally indigenous to the basalt plains for the terrestrial zones, the creekline zones and the bioretention treatment ponds. These ponds were designed to filter pollutants and improve stormwater quality as it flows down Edgars Creek. The creekline has additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The outcome speaks for itself with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. AE received a 2 year contract for maintenance services and the site is now a thriving ecosystem and a beautiful parkland reserve for the Wollert Community. 

Scope of Works: 

  • Minor Earthworks (Grading, drainage and rock removal)
  • Supply and install of steel fixed bollards, paving and vehicle exclusion fence
  • Supply and install of dry stone wall, public furniture, fitness equipment and pedetrian bridge
  • Supply and install of +3000m2 of hydroseed mulch
  • Supply and install of +300 trees for tree reserve (+ arbocultural assessment)
  • Supply and install of +130,000 tubestock plants for creek channel zone
  • Supply and install of +1,900 tubestock and +1,700 600cc plants for water treatment assets
  • Supply and install of +9000 shrubs and ground cover plants (150mm pots) 
  • 2 year maintenance contract
Construction Wetlands and Creeks

Clyde Creek


Clyde Creek


Black Oak

Service Used

Landscape Maintenance & Construction Wetland

Clyde Creekline Restoration

It’s not often that a group of projects spans almost a decade, culminating in a connected landscape that encompasses several kilometers of restored waterways, habitat and creekline. Australian Ecosystems has collaborated with Melbourne Water, Villawood Properties, MDGLA, Stockland Living, Spiire and more to turn large sections of Clyde Creek into a wildlife & biodiversity corridor and a great space for nature and local communities to enjoy.

AE have landscaped and revegetated several sets of wetlands along this creekline that filter stormwater from adjacent housing estates, before it enters Westernport Bay. Over a 10 year period we have collected seed and cuttings, propagated and planted over 500,000 locally indigenous plants across a series of sections of this waterway in Melbourne’s south east; including Edgebrook and Delaray Estates, the Cascade wetland complex and others.

This multi-year project has enabled us to showcase leading wetland standards, achieving 80% plant coverage across the water treatment zones, with under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. Our nursery produced plants in formats to comply with Melbourne Water Wetland design manual, and we protected plants from rabbit and bird grazing as they established. All sections have been completed to the satisfaction of clients and responsible authorities.

Thanks to all of our partners for this wonderful project, and particularly Shannon at Villawood for your participation in this video that draws it all together. We are passionate about improving Melbourne’s waterways for biodiversity, water quality, urban cooling and recreational benefits, and we are very proud of this project at Clyde Creek.

Wetland Highlight: Delaray Estate

Delaray Housing Estate in Clyde North is a Villawood Properties project that features a very large constructed wetland, which has been designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, and to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

Following the landscape plan designed by MDG Landscape Architects, Australian Ecosystems(AE) were contracted to collect seed, propagate and plant over 60,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants for the project, as well as install and ameliorate topsoil, install jute mat and install guarding enclosures to protect vulnerable species from bird grazing. AE have also been contracted to maintain the constructed wetland complex for 2 years, in readiness to hand over the asset to Melbourne Water at the end of the maintenance period.

The wetland and plant formats were designed to be compliant with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual. To ensure compliance with the manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The plant list included large numbers of Water Ribbons (Cycnogeton procerum) which is a very important wetland filtration and frog habitat species, and this species is also very palatable to several waterfowl species including Purple Swamp Hens (Porphyrio porphyrio) and Black Swans (Cygnus atratus)

Site preparation, topsoiling, jutematting and planting works were undertaken over the Spring and Summer of 2018/19, with all planting works completed by April 2019. The results have been outstanding, with plants achieving 80% coverage by Spring 2019, and the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. The site is currently being maintained by Australian Ecosystems, with under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The site is now a thriving ecosystem, and is a great centrepiece of Delaray Housing Estate and enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.

What our clients said about us:
“Australian Ecosystems has delivered a best practice wetland at Delaray, and the results have been outstanding, exceeding our expectations for the site. The wetlands are establishing beautifully and are now a great asset to Delaray Estate. The results at Delaray are a testament to the expertise, professionalism and enthusiasm that Australian Ecosystems bring to wetland and drainage landscape projects.”

Rory Costello, Executive Director, Villawood Properties.