Parks and Reserves

Galvin Park


Galvin Park



Service Used

Maintenance & Landscaping Services

Parks and Reserves

Fraser St Reserve


Fraser St Reserve


Melton South

Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance


Mitchell’s Run


Mitchell’s Run



Service Used

Plant Supply & Landscape Construction

Construction Ecological Restoration

Haining Farm


Haining Farm


Don Valley

Service Used

Ecosystem Management & Landscaping

The Warralily Estate wetlands and creekline restoration project at Connewarre stretches across several kilometres of Armstrong Creek between Barwon Heads and Geelong. The project involved seed collection, propagation and planting of more than 1 million locally indigenous plants, as well as installing hectares of mulch, jutemat and rockwork, habitat stags, and over a kilometre of concrete pathway and street furniture.

​The Landscaping Victoria judges panel described the Connewarre project as “a major environmental project that is immaculately detailed, making it a community success – a beautiful place for walking, playing and enjoying the outdoors for humans, and through natural rock placement and the use of tree stags as habitat areas, a sanctuary for wildlife too.”

This landscape construction project brought together elements of sustainability, plant selection and water usage to build a beautiful wetland which interacts harmoniously on all levels and enhances the natural environment. The project also won Landscaping Victoria awards for Use of Plants in the Landscape, Landscape Management and Maintenance and the Natural Built Environment.

​Site Specs: 42 hectares of conservation area
Constructed wetlands
17 hectares of open woodland grazing

Construction Wetlands and Creeks

Aquarevo Estate


Aquarevo Estate



Service Used

Wetland Construction & Landscape Maintenance




Villawood Properties

This open space and wetland construction project was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Villawood Properties at the new Aquarevo Estate in Lyndhurst. It demonstrates Australian Ecosystem’s attention to detail, ecological sensitivity and expertise in the construction of stormwater treatment wetlands. The project was designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed topsoil, mulch and over 11,000m2 of jute matting. We collected seed, supplied and installed over 400 shrubs and ground cover plants, more than 300 advanced trees and over 110,000 aquatic plants for the wetland. We were also contracted to maintain the wetland complex for 2 years, in readiness to hand over the asset to Melbourne Water at the end of the maintenance period.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. The site is currently being maintained by Australian Ecosystems, with under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The site is now a thriving ecosystem and a beautiful space to visit. 

Scope of Works:

  • Site preparation
  • Supply and install of topsoil and mulch
  • Supply and install of +11,000m2 of jute mat
  • Supply and install of +400 shrubs and ground cover plants (150mm pots)
  • Supply and install of +300 semi-advanced trees (300mm pots)
    Supply and install of +70,000 tubestock, +27,000 Hiko and +11,000 600cc aquatic plants for the wetland zone
  • 2 year maintenance contract
Construction Wetlands and Creeks

Lollypop Creek


Lollypop Creek



Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance




Werribee Project Pty Ltd

Lollipop Creek Section 14 was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Werribee Project Pty Ltd at Kings Leigh Estate in Werribee. This landscape construction project is a beautiful creekline and nature corridor that provides ecological services including water treatment and habitat creation as well as mitigating urban heat island effect. It has become a community asset with local residents able to walk along the creek and enjoy the influx of nature into the new estate.

Following the design from Spiire, AE conducted significant formal landscaping works including the supply and install of concrete paving, seating, picnic tables, bollards as well as a fence for vehicle exclusion. Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed more than 250 trees which were inspected by a qualified arborist to guarantee the quality of the tree stock. Australian Ecosystems conducted seed collection for the project and supplied and installed plants for the ornamental beds, the creekzone and the bioretention pools.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect.

The site is currently being maintained by Australian Ecosystems, with under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The landscape is teaming with life, providing habitat for a variety of bird species, frogs, insects and more.

Scope of Works:

  • Supply and install of exposed aggregate concrete paving
  • Supply and install of public furniture including seating, picnic tables and platform benches
  • Supply and install of vehicle exclusion fencing
  • Supply and install of +250 trees with follow-up arboriculture assessment 
  • Edging, Grassing and Bollard installation
  • Supply and Install of +90,000 (HIKO format) tubestock plants for creekzone planting
  • Supply and install of +800 (600CC format) aquatic plants
  • Supply and install of +5000 plants (150mm pots) for ornamental garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period
Construction Maintenance Wetlands and Creeks

Upper Point Cook


Upper Point Cook


Point Cook

Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance




Satterley Property Group

The Upper Point Cook Estate Project was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Satterley Property Group at Point Cook. AE’s work on the estate comprised of two seperate projects. The first was a large parkland reserve and constructed stormwater treatment wetland, which was designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, and to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

This project also involved extensive formal landscaping works such as paving, edging, rockwork as well as the supply and installation of outdoor furniture and a playground. After the success of the first project we were contracted to construct an adjacent wetland with a similar scope of works. In total, Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed 76,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants, over 9,600 plants and trees for the surround landscape and garden bed, 3330m2 of instant kikuyu turf and an irrigation system for the gardens beds.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. We received a 2 year contract for maintenance services. The site has under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The site is now a thriving ecosystem and a beautiful public amenity for the Point Cook Community.

Scope of Works:

  • Site preparation and weed control
  • Supply and Installation of over 76,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants for the constructed wetlands
  • Supply and install of over 9,500 assorted plants and trees for the surrounding landscape and garden beds
  • Supply and install of over 3330m2 of Instant Kikuyu Turf
  • Paving, edging, rock work
  • Supply and install free standing concrete walls and basalt rock boulders
  • Supply and install of outdoor furniture and playground
  • Design, supply and install of irrigation system for all garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period
Ecological Restoration Maintenance

Highlands Estate


Highlands Estate



Service Used

Landscape Maintenance




Thompson Berrill Landscape Design

Between 2009 and 2019 Australian Ecosystems undertook ecological management at the Golden Sun Moth Conservation Site in Highlands Estate, Craigieburn. The 44 hectare site supports endangered flora including Matted Flax Lily (Dianella Amoena) and River Swamp Wallaby-Grass (Amphibromus Fluitans) as well as Red River Gums thought to be over 300 years old!

Scope of Works:

  • Biomass Reduction
  • Landscape Maintenance
  • Weed Control
  • General Maintenance
  • Flora Mapping
  • Reporting

Armstrong Creek


Armstrong Creek


Armstrong Creek

Service Used

Landscaping, Landscape Maintenance

Landscape Victoria Awards


  • Use of Plants in Landscape – WINNER
    Natural Build
  • Environment – WINNER
  • ​Landscape Maintenance – WINNER

The Warralily Estate wetlands and creekline restoration project at Connewarre stretches across several kilometres of Armstrong Creek between Barwon Heads and Geelong. The project involved seed collection, propagation and planting of more than 1 million locally indigenous plants, as well as installing hectares of mulch, jutemat and rockwork, habitat stags, and over a kilometre of concrete pathway and street furniture.

​The Landscaping Victoria judges panel described the Connewarre project as “a major environmental project that is immaculately detailed, making it a community success – a beautiful place for walking, playing and enjoying the outdoors for humans, and through natural rock placement and the use of tree stags as habitat areas, a sanctuary for wildlife too.”

This landscape construction project brought together elements of sustainability, plant selection and water usage to build a beautiful wetland which interacts harmoniously on all levels and enhances the natural environment. The project also won Landscaping Victoria awards for Use of Plants in the Landscape, Landscape Management and Maintenance and the Natural Built Environment.

Construction Hardscaping Maintenance Parks and Reserves Property Estates

Saltwater Coast


Saltwater Coast


Point Cook

Service Used

Landscape Construction & Garden Maintenance


Aveo Group

The Saltwater Coast Estate Project was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) acting as principal landscape contractor for Aveo Group at Point Cook. The project showcases our broad capabilities and vertically integrated services. Australian Ecosystems constructed the parkland reserve and wetland landscape, and we finished construction works at the end of 2019.

AE completed a variety of formal landscaping works including paving, edging, steps, rock work, installation of concrete seat walls for the amphitheatre, design and construction of a timber board walk, seats, goals posts, bollards and picnic setting. We also supplied and installed of over 5000m2 of Instant Kikuyu Turf and over 9000m2 of hydroseeding using our own equipment. We planted and guarded the wetland plants in the constructed wetland, supplying plants from our native plant nursery.

The wetland has been designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, and to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water and council without defect. We are currently working through a 2 year contract to maintain all elements of the project. The site has under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings, and is delivering beautiful public amenity for the Point Cook Community.

AE also performs landscape and garden maintenance at Saltwater Estate in Point Cook. The scope of works includes the maintenance of nature strips, trees, garden beds, reserves and wetlands that make up the Saltwater Coast. We perform nature strip maintenance, weeding, trimming vegetation and keeping paths clean. We maintain the estates garden beds, fertilising, mulching, pruning and managing weeds, pests and diseases. The Australian Ecosystems crew also performs daily rubbish and green waste removal.

Australian Ecosystem’s employs qualified horticulturists and landscapers who specialise in weed identification, so we not only keep paths and patios weed free, but we identify and remove undesirable weeds from waterways and wetlands to ensure they stay healthy. We also proactively replace under-performing plants with stock from our native plant nursery in Bangholme.

Scope of Construction Works:

  • Paving, edges, steps, rock work plus installation of concrete seat walls for the amphitheatre
  • Design and construction of a timber board walk, seats, goals posts, bollards and picnic setting
  • Supply and install of over 5000m2 of Instant Kikuyu Turf and over 9000m2 of hydroseeding
  • Supply and Installation of over 18,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants for the constructed wetland
  • Supply and install of over 42,000 assorted plants and trees for the surrounding landscape and garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period

Scope of Maintenance Works:

  • Nature Strip Maintenance
  • Garden bed Maintenance
  • Rubbish Removal
  • Tree Maintenance
  • Mulching – Pest and
  • Disease Control
  • Weeding – Waste Removal
  • Plant Replacement