Construction Wetlands and Creeks

Lollypop Creek


Lollypop Creek



Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance




Werribee Project Pty Ltd

Lollipop Creek Section 14 was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Werribee Project Pty Ltd at Kings Leigh Estate in Werribee. This landscape construction project is a beautiful creekline and nature corridor that provides ecological services including water treatment and habitat creation as well as mitigating urban heat island effect. It has become a community asset with local residents able to walk along the creek and enjoy the influx of nature into the new estate.

Following the design from Spiire, AE conducted significant formal landscaping works including the supply and install of concrete paving, seating, picnic tables, bollards as well as a fence for vehicle exclusion. Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed more than 250 trees which were inspected by a qualified arborist to guarantee the quality of the tree stock. Australian Ecosystems conducted seed collection for the project and supplied and installed plants for the ornamental beds, the creekzone and the bioretention pools.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect.

The site is currently being maintained by Australian Ecosystems, with under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The landscape is teaming with life, providing habitat for a variety of bird species, frogs, insects and more.

Scope of Works:

  • Supply and install of exposed aggregate concrete paving
  • Supply and install of public furniture including seating, picnic tables and platform benches
  • Supply and install of vehicle exclusion fencing
  • Supply and install of +250 trees with follow-up arboriculture assessment 
  • Edging, Grassing and Bollard installation
  • Supply and Install of +90,000 (HIKO format) tubestock plants for creekzone planting
  • Supply and install of +800 (600CC format) aquatic plants
  • Supply and install of +5000 plants (150mm pots) for ornamental garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period
Construction Maintenance Wetlands and Creeks

Upper Point Cook


Upper Point Cook


Point Cook

Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance




Satterley Property Group

The Upper Point Cook Estate Project was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) for Satterley Property Group at Point Cook. AE’s work on the estate comprised of two seperate projects. The first was a large parkland reserve and constructed stormwater treatment wetland, which was designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, and to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

This project also involved extensive formal landscaping works such as paving, edging, rockwork as well as the supply and installation of outdoor furniture and a playground. After the success of the first project we were contracted to construct an adjacent wetland with a similar scope of works. In total, Australian Ecosystems supplied and installed 76,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants, over 9,600 plants and trees for the surround landscape and garden bed, 3330m2 of instant kikuyu turf and an irrigation system for the gardens beds.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. We received a 2 year contract for maintenance services. The site has under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings. The site is now a thriving ecosystem and a beautiful public amenity for the Point Cook Community.

Scope of Works:

  • Site preparation and weed control
  • Supply and Installation of over 76,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants for the constructed wetlands
  • Supply and install of over 9,500 assorted plants and trees for the surrounding landscape and garden beds
  • Supply and install of over 3330m2 of Instant Kikuyu Turf
  • Paving, edging, rock work
  • Supply and install free standing concrete walls and basalt rock boulders
  • Supply and install of outdoor furniture and playground
  • Design, supply and install of irrigation system for all garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period
Ecological Restoration Maintenance

Highlands Estate


Highlands Estate



Service Used

Landscape Maintenance




Thompson Berrill Landscape Design

Between 2009 and 2019 Australian Ecosystems undertook ecological management at the Golden Sun Moth Conservation Site in Highlands Estate, Craigieburn. The 44 hectare site supports endangered flora including Matted Flax Lily (Dianella Amoena) and River Swamp Wallaby-Grass (Amphibromus Fluitans) as well as Red River Gums thought to be over 300 years old!

Scope of Works:

  • Biomass Reduction
  • Landscape Maintenance
  • Weed Control
  • General Maintenance
  • Flora Mapping
  • Reporting

Armstrong Creek


Armstrong Creek


Armstrong Creek

Service Used

Landscaping, Landscape Maintenance

Landscape Victoria Awards


  • Use of Plants in Landscape – WINNER
    Natural Build
  • Environment – WINNER
  • ​Landscape Maintenance – WINNER

The Warralily Estate wetlands and creekline restoration project at Connewarre stretches across several kilometres of Armstrong Creek between Barwon Heads and Geelong. The project involved seed collection, propagation and planting of more than 1 million locally indigenous plants, as well as installing hectares of mulch, jutemat and rockwork, habitat stags, and over a kilometre of concrete pathway and street furniture.

​The Landscaping Victoria judges panel described the Connewarre project as “a major environmental project that is immaculately detailed, making it a community success – a beautiful place for walking, playing and enjoying the outdoors for humans, and through natural rock placement and the use of tree stags as habitat areas, a sanctuary for wildlife too.”

This landscape construction project brought together elements of sustainability, plant selection and water usage to build a beautiful wetland which interacts harmoniously on all levels and enhances the natural environment. The project also won Landscaping Victoria awards for Use of Plants in the Landscape, Landscape Management and Maintenance and the Natural Built Environment.

Construction Hardscaping Maintenance Parks and Reserves Property Estates

Saltwater Coast


Saltwater Coast


Point Cook

Service Used

Landscape Construction & Garden Maintenance


Aveo Group

The Saltwater Coast Estate Project was completed by Australian Ecosystems (AE) acting as principal landscape contractor for Aveo Group at Point Cook. The project showcases our broad capabilities and vertically integrated services. Australian Ecosystems constructed the parkland reserve and wetland landscape, and we finished construction works at the end of 2019.

AE completed a variety of formal landscaping works including paving, edging, steps, rock work, installation of concrete seat walls for the amphitheatre, design and construction of a timber board walk, seats, goals posts, bollards and picnic setting. We also supplied and installed of over 5000m2 of Instant Kikuyu Turf and over 9000m2 of hydroseeding using our own equipment. We planted and guarded the wetland plants in the constructed wetland, supplying plants from our native plant nursery.

The wetland has been designed to intercept, retain and treat large volumes of stormwater from the estate and surrounding areas, and to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. The wetland delivers additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity. The results have been outstanding with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water and council without defect. We are currently working through a 2 year contract to maintain all elements of the project. The site has under 5% weed cover and over 95% survival rates of all plantings, and is delivering beautiful public amenity for the Point Cook Community.

AE also performs landscape and garden maintenance at Saltwater Estate in Point Cook. The scope of works includes the maintenance of nature strips, trees, garden beds, reserves and wetlands that make up the Saltwater Coast. We perform nature strip maintenance, weeding, trimming vegetation and keeping paths clean. We maintain the estates garden beds, fertilising, mulching, pruning and managing weeds, pests and diseases. The Australian Ecosystems crew also performs daily rubbish and green waste removal.

Australian Ecosystem’s employs qualified horticulturists and landscapers who specialise in weed identification, so we not only keep paths and patios weed free, but we identify and remove undesirable weeds from waterways and wetlands to ensure they stay healthy. We also proactively replace under-performing plants with stock from our native plant nursery in Bangholme.

Scope of Construction Works:

  • Paving, edges, steps, rock work plus installation of concrete seat walls for the amphitheatre
  • Design and construction of a timber board walk, seats, goals posts, bollards and picnic setting
  • Supply and install of over 5000m2 of Instant Kikuyu Turf and over 9000m2 of hydroseeding
  • Supply and Installation of over 18,000 aquatic and ephemeral plants for the constructed wetland
  • Supply and install of over 42,000 assorted plants and trees for the surrounding landscape and garden beds
  • 2 year maintenance period

Scope of Maintenance Works:

  • Nature Strip Maintenance
  • Garden bed Maintenance
  • Rubbish Removal
  • Tree Maintenance
  • Mulching – Pest and
  • Disease Control
  • Weeding – Waste Removal
  • Plant Replacement
Construction Furniture, Structures & Playgrounds Wetlands and Creeks

Edgars Creek


Edgars Creek



Service Used

Landscape Construction & Maintenance





Australian Ecosystems (AE) constructed several sections of Edgars Creek for Lendlease. The project demonstrates AE’s expertise in landscape construction and ecological services, particularly in the area of water treatment, as well as our skill and attention to detail with formal landscaping works.

Following the design from Spiire, AE conducted minor earthworks which involved grading, drainage works and rock removal where necessary. AE also supplied and installed steel fixed bollards, a vehicle exclusion fence, paving, dry stone walls, public furniture, fitness equipment as well as a pedestrian bridge.

The creekline aspect of the project involved the propagation, supply and installation of plants locally indigenous to the basalt plains for the terrestrial zones, the creekline zones and the bioretention treatment ponds. These ponds were designed to filter pollutants and improve stormwater quality as it flows down Edgars Creek. The creekline has additional benefits including urban cooling, habitat for local wildlife, and public amenity.

To ensure compliance with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual, all shallow, deep and submerged marsh species were grown and supplied in 600cc plant formats, and all ephemeral plants were supplied in 93cc hiko cells or tubestock. The outcome speaks for itself with the site being awarded PC by Melbourne Water without defect. AE received a 2 year contract for maintenance services and the site is now a thriving ecosystem and a beautiful parkland reserve for the Wollert Community. 

Scope of Works: 

  • Minor Earthworks (Grading, drainage and rock removal)
  • Supply and install of steel fixed bollards, paving and vehicle exclusion fence
  • Supply and install of dry stone wall, public furniture, fitness equipment and pedetrian bridge
  • Supply and install of +3000m2 of hydroseed mulch
  • Supply and install of +300 trees for tree reserve (+ arbocultural assessment)
  • Supply and install of +130,000 tubestock plants for creek channel zone
  • Supply and install of +1,900 tubestock and +1,700 600cc plants for water treatment assets
  • Supply and install of +9000 shrubs and ground cover plants (150mm pots) 
  • 2 year maintenance contract
Construction Furniture, Structures & Playgrounds Maintenance Property Estates

Enclave Estate


Enclave Estate


Ascot Vale

Service Used

Landscaping and Maintenance

​Australian Ecosystems constructed a large inner city playground and wetland landscape at Enclave Estate in Ascot Vale for Mirvac. Our works included topsoiling, turf establishment, advanced tree planting, concrete footpaths, construction of an extensive childrens playground, bbq area and structures, and supply and installation of plants for the wetlands and formal garden beds.

Construction Furniture, Structures & Playgrounds Maintenance Property Estates

The Cape


The Cape


Cape Paterson

Service Used

Estate Landscaping


The Cape Sustainable Housing Estate

Project Value

$2.5 Million

The construction of all of the landscape elements of The Cape is testament to the versatility and expertise of Australian Ecosystems. The Cape is considered one of the most sustainable housing developments in Australia, so calling on AE to construct a beautiful and sustainable landscape for the residents, flora, and fauna of Cape Paterson was a logical choice. This award-winning estate overlooks the Bass Strait on Victoria’s Bass Coast, and is home to kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas, wombats and healthy populations of frog, bird, insect and reptile species.

Our teams have designed, constructed and installed kilometres of granitic sand coastal paths, wetlands, waterways and habitat areas, a large nature-play and adventure playground, fitness stations, an off leash dog park, streetscapes, parklands, water treatment swales and much more. Our team wrote the species lists, collected a seed bank from the local coastal vegetation, propagated and planted over 100,000 locally indigenous plants for the streetscapes, wetlands and habitat restoration areas, and have set up systems to protect these establishing plants from grazing during their establishment period. We have been working our way through the various stages of the estate, including the formal streetscapes and parklands and environmentally sensitive interface areas with the coast.

Australian Ecosystems have constructed the first stage of a community farm that is water efficient and low maintenance, producing tonnes of fresh vegetables and herbs for the local community. The off-leash dog park and shelter includes water features, habitat areas, zones for different types of dogs and an all-weather shelter. The creekline and waterways through the estate have been transformed from a narrow drain to a series of ponds and waterways rich in habitat for birdlife. We constructed wetlands specifically for the international migratory species Japanese Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii) that have been taking up residence in the wetland each Summer. Over 90 species of birds have been counted at The Cape so far, as well as a wide variety of other fauna.

AE continues to provide ongoing maintenance and landscaping services at The Cape.

Scope of Works:

  • Construction of Community Farm
  • Supply and install of 120,000 native plants for revegetation & street amenity
  • Supply and install of 20,000 tubestock aquatic plants for constructed wetland
  • Playground construction
  • Creekline construction
  • Paths, rock work, public furniture
  • Dog park, public gym
  • Ongoing landscaping services for the entire estate

“The team from Australian Ecosystems have been invaluable to the success of our project. Their knowledge, attention to detail and can-do attitude have provided us with a landscape that is nothing short of stunning​g” Clint Hare, General Manager, Live at The Cape

Construction Furniture, Structures & Playgrounds Hardscaping Maintenance Property Estates

Mullum Creek Estate


Mullum Creek Estate



Service Used

Landscape Construction &


Mullum Pty Ltd


CDA Design Group

Located along the western bank of the Mullum Mullum Creek in Donvale, Mullum Creek Estate is a sustainable development where clever landscape design is being used to encourage residents to engage with the natural environment. Embedded in the vision for the estate is a respect for the existing environment and topography as well as environmental and ecological sensitivity and adaptability to a changing climate. This broad vision has been reflected throughout the project’s journey, from the design principles implemented by CDA landscape architects to the landscape construction by Australian Ecosystems.

Australian Ecosystems completed the landscape construction of stage 1 which included the supply and install of over 39,000 plants for gardens beds, a stormwater treatment wetland and a frog pond, as well as the installation of public furniture, fencing, paving, grassing and a two year maintenance schedule.

Stage 1 of Mullum Creek Estate won Best Natural Built Landscape at the Landscape Victoria Awards – Judge’s comments – “The project at Mullum Creek in Donvale is a fantastic exemplar of a natural built landscape. The hydrology and ecology of the site has been well-considered, with runoff from the development site treated by a constructed wetland before it enters the nearby Mullum creek. Indigenous plantings have extended the remnant vegetation into the landscape and wetland, from seed previously collected from the site. Furniture, fences and bollards were milled on-site from timber that was already on the property. Much thought has been put into making the Mullum Creek development a beautiful, sustainable landscape.”

AE also constructed Stage 2 of the estate which included another 35,000 plants in the landscape in addition to paving, furniture installation, grassing, animal proof fencing and another 2 year maintenance contract.

Scope of Works:

  • Paving, grassing and the supply and installation of animal proof fences & gates
  • Supply and installation of public furniture milled on site using timber sourced on site.
  • Supply and install of Jute Mate – Supply and install of +43,000 tubestock plants for Garden Beds
  • Supply and install of +30,000 (HIKO Cell format) and +500 600CC plants for ephemeral and aquatic areas
  • Supply and install of retention walls using locally sourced Coldstream Rocks for cladding
  • 2 year maintenance contract

Mt Atkinson Estate


Mt Atkinson Estate



Service Used

Landscape Construction & Service


TBLD Architects


Stockland Living

This project at Mt Atkinson Estate, in the West of Melbourne, centres around a 3.5 hectare wetland complex. This wetland was fully constructed on an excavated quarry site, which required topsoiling and soil amelioration. TBLD Architects selected our 600cc 12-cell native aquatic plants, over conventional tubestock to plant out the wetland. This is due to the harsh conditions in the area, as the larger format allow the plants to flourish more rapidly, reducing competition with weeds and creating an ‘instant effect’ landscape.

Our nursery team propagated and grew to 600cc size around 135,000 plants. Our landscape construction team ameliorated the topsoil, jutematted and mulched, and installed these 135,000 plants into the landscape. Large boulders, rocks, and logs were installed around and throughout the wetland to provide perches for waterbirds and habitat for insects and other creatures. 

Australian Ecosystems also constructed the concrete edging and planted out the streetscapes of the estate adjascent to the wetland site. This included installing instant turf, planting advanced trees and setting up passive irrigation. We also installed bollards and cables for fencing throughout the site. A stand of remnant sugar gums was retained onsite, which were inspected by arborist & zoologist for conservation values, and appropriate maintenance of existing vegetation was undertaken.

Scope of Works:

  • Mulching and jute matting
  • Soil amelioration of existing topsoil
  • ​135,000 plants grown & installed
  • 3.5 hectare wetland site planted
  • Planting streetscapes & trees around site
  • Concrete edging
  • Bollard and cable installation
  • Remnant vegetation maintenance
  • Habitat rock & log installation