Approved Format: >90cm3 plants (such as 93cc HIKO stock)
Family: Poaceae
Form: Poa labillardierei is a large, densely tufted grass tussock
Foliage: Leaves are rough grey/blue-green, flat-bladed or tightly rolled leaves, needle-like with often a sharp tip, to 80cm.
Flowers: Composed of small straw-coloured bracts, held on spreading and branched flowering stems to 130cm tall, spring-summer
Fruit: Small soft rice grain-like seed, straw coloured
Habitat: Common to a variety of habitat areas with good soil moisture, such as drainage lines Distinctive Features Tussocking leaves usually half as high as flowering stem
Similar Species: There are a number of Poa species that generally occur in drier sites. Poa siberiana has shorter flowering stems and seeds are not held in bracts with fine web-like hairs.
Comments: Often inappropriately used in drier revegetation sites