Form: Bolboschoenus fluviatilis is a perennial, spreading from underground stems 1-2m high
Foliage: Numerous leathery leaves along stem, margins and midribs rough towrds tip, margins curved under, 7-11mm wide
Flowers: Branched flowerhead with lcusters of 1-6 spikelets to 2.5cm long on 6-9 branches 2-12cm long. Bristle on end of lower floral bracts. Bracts at base of flowerhead leaf-like, 15-25cm x 3-6mm
Fruit: Nut triangular
Habitat: Shallow water on edges of lakes and billabongs and open swamps. Full sun
Distinctive Features: Bolboschoenus fluviatilis is distinguished from other Bolboschoenus species by its relatively narrow nut with persistent bristles
Similar species: Vegetatively, very similar to Bolboschoenus medianus
Comments: Tolerates frost, brackish water and inundation