Baumea rubiginosa

Common Swamp Wallaby

  • Wetland Planting Zone: Ephemeral Batter
  • Approved Format: >90cm3 plants (such as 93cc HIKO stock)
  • Family: Cyperaceae
  • Form: Rhizomatous, robust perennial sedge, typically grows to 250cm tall
  • Foliage: Compressed ribbon-like green leaves with rigid, terete and biconvex culms that are smooth and glabrous. Tips of the leaves are often orange-brown.
  • Flowers: The narrow and erect inflorescence has an interrupted-oblong shape in outline forming dense clusters that are around 7 to 20cm long and with a diameter of 1 to 2.5 cm.
  • Fruit: Pale red to bright orange ellipsoid nut that is 2.2-4mm long and 1.2-2mm diameter
  • Habitat: Moist to wet sandy soils in heathlands and swamps. Full sun, semi-shade.
  • Distinctive Features: Lowest involucral bract much shorter than inflorescence
    Similar Species
    Distinguished from Baumea articulata by the flat, ribbon-like leaves
  • Comments: Tolerant of frosts, indundation, low nutrient soils, poor water quality