
WSUD Maintenance

​Australian Ecosystems specialise in rain garden maintenance. We have developed industry leading capabilities to manage and maintain WSUD assets including constructed wetlands, waterways, bioswales, raingardens, stormwater harvesting and biofiltration systems, as well as associated revegetation, remnant vegetation sites and formal landscapes to ensure long term performance and viability.

We offer a one stop shop for the construction, establishment, maintenance and reset of WSUD sites, and currently manage over 100 wetland and rain garden systems around the Greater Melbourne and Geelong areas. AE are ISO accredited to ensure your assets are maintained to the highest standards of OHS, quality and environment.

Australian Ecosystems offers a complete range of services including:

  • Stormwater engineers and environmental consultants with the ability to assess the performance of the asset from an engineering and horticultural viewpoint, to identify and solve problems and to develop least cost rectification, reset and long term maintenance strategies
  • Skilled landscape construction and horticultural teams to undertake reset, rectification, replanting and long term maintenance of these assets
  • Specialist equipment for the physical maintenance and reset of WSUD assets, including excavators, bobcats and tip trucks
  • Horticultural equipment including quiksprays, precision herbicide equipment, slashers, mowers and brushcutters, to control weeds, remove biomass and maintain and replant assets as they are reset during their operational life
  • Plant supply and installation to reinstall and reset wetland, raingarden and bioretention vegetation using high quality stock from our specialist wetland nursery, including a wide range of aquatic and raingarden plants and associated general landscape and locally indigenous plant lines supplied in best practice formats
  • Water testing, monitoring, drone surveys and reports to ensure long term performance of WSUD assets
