Dianella caerulea ‘Lucia’

Lucia PBR

Single erect tuft or sparsely clumping perennial herb with fibrous roots. Narrow dark green leaves 10-25cm x 5-17mm on branching stems. Leaf sheath closely folded and fused. Irregularly minutely saw-toothed on margins and midrib on lower surface. Pale to dark blue flowers. Anthers yellow-brown, swollen stamen stalk yellow. Flowers to 20mm wide, petals and sepals spreading. Distinctive violet to purple anthers. Berries blue.

  • Cultural knowledge: Food: berries when ripe, seeds chewed, use for dye. Leaves: basket making, plaiting into cords
  • Ecological role: Bird attracting: berries
  • Height: 0.5m
  • Width: 1m
  • Sun: Full sun, semi shade
  • Soil type: Winter wet soil, summer dry soil
  • Flowering time: Summer